
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Relationship Between Development Of The Sound System And Overall Motor Essay

Relationship Between Development Of The Sound System And Overall Motor Development In Children - Essay Example This essay stresses that that two children by dissimilar patterns of production of speech sounds throughout an early period of phonological development preserve dissimilarity in production patterns during the developmental period. This paper makes a conclusion that though equally children's articulatory skills appeared to be inside normal limits, as compared by their peers, one was in advance of the further in completing the phonetic inventory. Furthermore, their approaches to the manufacture of polysyllabic words at Time 1 were evocative of their later production skills for incessant speech. Even though these outcomes are not broadly generalizable, they begin to offer evidence for untried hypotheses in the literature concerning the relationship between premature pronunciation processes and afterward pronunciation skill. Several predictions made by this study that may be tested by potential studies are the subsequent: 1. First of all the use of glottal and glide substitute for intervocalic consonants throughout early stages of development may be prognostic of moderately slower development of precise articulatory motion wanted for the production of affricates and no early clusters. 2. Early concluding consonant deletion, glottal, and glide substitute do not come into view to be analytical, necessarily, of a wide-ranging linguistic deficit or a harsh phonological difficulty. 3. No doubt, a premature partiality for assimilation and reduplication processes does not come into view to be prognostic of sluggish phonological learning.

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