
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Four Problems Bahamian Farmers Face

agriculture in The Bahamas has many problems. List and explain FOUR problems the farmers suit in The Bahamas. Give suggestions to help the farmers solve these problems Four problems farmers in The Bahamas give First The problem that most farmers face today is the lack of culture in knowledge the general public has about modern procedures. advanced(a) farming procedures have less impact on the environment than methods widely used early in the 20th century.Soil erosion inhibitors, soil speed of light monitoring, and water conservation and collection have all improved all over fourth dimension. Second They looked down upon by localscosts of product (seeds fertilizer etc. ) weather, availability of water, cost of equipment-purchase repair maintain, cost of labor, labor laws, length of time between commitment and maturity of any crop, organic vs. norganic fertilization, bugs As a result of the sheer number of people working the land, the country is downstairssevere agricultural stress, suffering from a loss of soil fertility and a high degree of erosion. Third Farmers have trouble festering crops and commonly experience reduced yields as a result, malnutrition. Abrupt seasonal worker weather changes, including floods, early frosts and winter blizzards, cause various problems for farmers, including loss of crops and stock. Farming is carried out on small plots throughout most of the islands.Only about 1% of the land area is cultivated. The nature of the terrain limits the scope of farming, which is mainly a theater industry. The main crops are vegetable onionsokra andtomatoes, the last two embossed mainly for export. Fourth They arelack of fertile soilso thats a problem for them to plant good and healthy crops and its hard for them to make money and thats going to be a HUGE problem for them and their country as well. My suggestion to farmers in the Bahamas

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