Thursday, December 26, 2019
An Analysis of Jamacian Fragment Essay - 1044 Words
Rhetorical Analysis of Jamacian Fragment by Al Hendricks. The Jamaican Fragment is a story about a man, who during his regular walk to and from work encounters an irregularity he views as an act of inferiority. We can assume that the Jamaican Fragment is a real life experience, rather than a piece of fiction due to first person writing style. In the first paragraph the author uses visual imagery by describing the colors of the houses as well as the bungalow style house, which presents as the setting. We can start to conclude that the author is ethnic himself or very familiar with differentiating ethnic characteristics. In psychology we learn that the race we are born of, makes us better able to distinguish features and characteristics†¦show more content†¦Hendricks’ style of the essay is very important in terms of what he wants the reader to experience and how he wants them to experience the story. Words that I would use to describe the tone would be casual, curious and ironic. The author uses everyday language to create th e casual tone such as â€Å"The other little fellow was smaller, but also sturdy – he was white, with hazel eyes and light-brown hair.†(362) This casual tone permits everyone to read this essay; there is no prejudice against an educated or uneducated audience. The sentence structure used is also simple and casual. â€Å"For a whole day I puzzled over this problem.†(363) This excerpt from Jamaican Fragment is an excellent example of the curious tone that utilizes in this essay. He is taking the reader on a journey of self-discovery. The reader is also curious as to the game the children play, could it really be a game of inferiority? There is also a strong sense of irony throughout the entire essay, it is my belief that the author uses an ironic tone to further his argument around prejudice enable the reader to learn a moral lesson. â€Å"The exercise is good for me and now and then I learn something from a little incident†(362), is an example of Hendricks’ using foreshadowing as a literary technique. We know that he is going to learn something and we know by the end of the essay that â€Å"little†is very much an understatement.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
A Brief Note On Media Intervention And Advertising
CHAPTER 3 Media Intervention Advertising 3.1 INTRODUCTION The key concept of marketing is customer communication. How we tell the customer about our product, its features, uniqueness we offer, on the whole, how we communicate the value to customer. Connecting with consumers is achieved via various means: ââ€" Direct Contact: Door to door marketing ââ€" Mass Marketing: o Posters/ Fliers/ Boarding’s/ Hoardings o Media: ââ€" ª Print Media (Newspapers, Magazines) ââ€" ª Television, Video Advertisements etc. ââ€" ª Internet Social Media Coming to our product of apparels, historically there was no evidence of advertising. As clothing was a basic necessity, a required presence of weavers, word of mouth was the only way people came to know about various weavers, the good ones, with quality etc. There was long spread word about different varieties of textile woven at different places, like Chanderi Silk, Kancheevaram Silk, Bengal Cotton, Pochempalli Style etc. The uniqueness of the product was its attraction that spread throughout the country. There was also a period where the weavers/ manufacturers were different from those who sold it. There were small scale shops based on just one city villages around. The retailers had share of profits they took care of advertising themselves via door to door publicity, announcing in streets about a new shop opening, the variety of clothes they offer, new designs, prices etc. Small posters limited to the town would also be used. There was also anotherShow MoreRelatedCommon Dietetic Strategy For Reducing Energy Intake1447 Words  | 6 Pagesparticipants who were enrolled in a 12-month weight loss trial, the Smart Study. The Smart Study was conducted from 2008-2010 in Australia by researchers at the University of Wollongong. Participants in the Smart Study were locally recruited through media advertising. After withdrawals, a total of 86 participants were included in the present analysis. The majority of participants were female (n=63). The mean age for the entire sample was 45.2, t he mean weight was 88.5 kg, and the mean BMI was 31.1. 4. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Farm Best free essay sample
The companies were competing each other as a result to become a leader and be a majority in share capital market. All companies want show their great performance in all perspective such as operation, administration, marketing and the almost important thing in company is finance. Role of financial management are very important to make sure the effectiveness and successfully in organization of company were achieve. As a financial manger, they must know the level or the measurement of Performance Company so that they can survive within ample capital. So, financial analysis or financial ratio were needed to calculate, measure and analysis all data of finance. This is important because of confidence of outside party such as investor to invest their money as capital into company. Other party like employee that they look the ability to pay their salary, supplier look the ability of company to pay the debt, and bank. The term of solvency, stock management, leverage, profitability play important role in financial analysis of company. We will write a custom essay sample on Farm Best or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In conclusion, financial ratio was important to measure to performance of company. Good condition performance of finance indicates the effectiveness of management in manage the financial in company. The investor maybe likes to contribute their company to run a business. 2. 0HISTORY AND INFORMATION BACKGROUND OF COMPANY 2. 1Farm’s Best Food Background Before Farm Best Food immortalize Farm’s Best Food Industries Sdn Bhd name, this company also known as Iklim Sinar Sdn Bhd at 1994 and converted to a public company on 21 Jun 1994. Then, known as Sinmah Resources Bhd on December 1994 and one year later, it is subsequently was admitted to the official List of Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd until 2005 of July and changed the company name to it is present name of Farm’s Best Berhad ( FBB ) with the trademark â€Å"Farm’s Bestâ€Å". This company founded by Mr. Fong Chee Hong over thirty years ago. Since it grown into one of the largest integrated poultry producers in Malaysia, FBB currently helmed by among others the four sons. After listing on the Second Board of the BMSB at 1995, it is have expanded to the entire spectrum of the poultry industry and categorized into any manufacture, that was manufacture and wholesale of poultry and further processed poultry feeds, manufactured of processed poultry and further processed poultry, poultry breeding and hatchery operation and also in broiler contract farming. Besides that, FBB also an investment holding company and involved in many business. For exampl e, manufacture and sale of compound poultry feeds, production and sale of broiler day old Chicks (â€Å"POC†) from its parent stock and hatchery operation, also in marketing of live and broilers and chicken product, both in the domestic and the Singapore market. . 2Kawan Food Background KAWAN is principally engaged in investment holding, whilst the principal activities of its subsidiaries are manufacturing, sale and distributing of frozen food products. Full name for kawan food is Kawan Food Berhad. The Headquarters for this company is at Lot 20 Jalan Pengapit 15/19; Shah Alam; Selangor Darul Ehsan; 40200. Legal Form for Kawan Food Berhad is Public Limited Company. Kawan Food Berhad has been open on January 21, 2004. There have 173 Total Employees at Kawan Food Berhad. Kawan Food Manufacturing Sdn Bhd is located in Shah Alam, Malaysia. Company is working in Food retailers, Food products, manufacturing business activities The company’s origins date back to the 1970’s with supplying traditional and homemade pastry products to local groceries and supermarkets. kawan food begun to export their products in mid 1980’s, while gaining a steady lead in the local market. In 2000, their established a new manufacturing facility, and have continued to invest heavily in their employees and the latest technology. They are proud to be the world’s first manufacturer of frozen roti parathas, which together with their other products, have paved the way for a completely new segment of consumer goods that are now enjoyed by consumers around the world. Since the 70’s, kawan food have been offering their customers the freshest food choices with their mind boggling array of favorite foods. Their wide range of food products meets the stringent quality requirements set by international food safety regulations amp; the food service industry. From specialty foods to local and international favorites, their products have been designed for maximum freshness and efficiency with minimal preparation times and convenient storage methods. 3. 0CATEGORIES OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE RATIO Many types of financial performance ratio were listed in to calculate for each data of financial. This is including four categories means: 1) Short Term Solvency or Liquidity Ratio 2) Asset Management or Turnover 3) Profitability ratio 4) Market book value ratio 4. 0 INTRODUCTION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT BOTH OF COMPANY In this assignment, we choose two listed company in same categories which is Farm Best Berhad and Kawan Food Berhad. Both companies were listed in Bursa Saham Malaysia. Calculating the financial performance base on statement ending the year 2010 (refer appendix). All calculating of ratio will explain detail in next sub chapter 4. 1Short Term Solvency or Liquidity Ratio Liquidity is a firm’s ability to pay its bills on time. Liquidity is related to the ease and quickness with which firm can convert its noncash assets into cash, as well as the size of the firm investment in noncash assets relative to its short term liabilities. . 1. 1Current ratio A firm’s current assets divided by its current liabilities Current ratio =| Current assets| | Current liabilities| Farm Best Berhad Current Ratio =| RM 241,932,000| | RM219,787,000| | = 0. 91| Kawan Food Berhad Current Ratio = | RM50,361,129| | RM17, 509,236| | = 2. 8| Explanation: This ratio indicates how much ringgit current a ssets of company has to pay one ringgit current liabilities. The data shown kawan food Berhad has RM2. 8 of assets for 1 ringgit liabilities while Farm Best Berhad has RM0. 91 of assets for 1 ringgit liabilities. 4. 1. 2Quick ratio (acid test ratio) A firm’s cash and account receivable divided by its current liabilities Quick ratio =| Current assets inventories| | Current liabilities| Farm Best Berhad Quick ratio =| RM219,787,000–RM15,790,000| | RM241, 932,000| =| 0. 84| Kawan Food Berhad Quick ratio = | RM50,361,129– RM5,530,480| | RM17, 509,236| =| 2. 5| Explanation: Quick ratio (acid test-ratio) indicates how much ringgit of current assets in company to pay one ringgit of current liabilities excludes inventories. Data shown Kawan Food Berhad has RM2. 50 current assets (exclude inventories) to pay one ringgit of current liabilities. Farm Best Berhad only RM0. 84 current assets to pay one ringgit current liabilities. 4. 1. 3Cash ratio A firm’s cash divided by its current liabilities Cash ratio = | Cash| | Current liabilities| Farm Best Berhad Cash ratio =| RM15,827,000| | RM241, 932,000| | = 0. 06| Kawan Food Berhad Cash ratio =| RM23,034,299| | RM17, 509,236| | =1. 32| Explanation: cash ratio is measure the liquidity of company by calculate its cash only. Kawan food Berhad only RM1. 32 cash to pay one Ringgit of current liabilities while Farm Best Berhad only RM0. 06 of cash to pay one ringgit of current liabilities. 4. Asset Management or Turnover * As the second angle for measuring liquidity examines the quality of a firm’s accounts receivable and inventories in terms of the firm’s ability to convert these assets into cash on a timely basis. 4. 2. 1Inventory turnover * A firm’s cost good sold divided by its inventory Inventory turnover =| Cost of goods sold| | inventory| Farm Best B erhad Inventory turnover =| RM282,124,000| | RM15, 790,000| =| 17. 87 times| Kawan Food Berhad Inventory turnover=| RM51,742,253| | RM5, 530,480| =| 9. 36 times| Explanation: Inventory turnover is measure the ability of company to manage stock. How much the stock will be turn over during a period? Kawan Food Berhad has 9. 36 times to turn over the stock/inventory in a year. Farm Best Berhad has 17. 87 times to turn over the stock/inventory during a year. 4. 2. 2Day’s sales in inventory * A firm’s cost good sold divided by its inventory per day day sales in inventory=| 365(one year)| | Inventory turnover| Farm Best Berhad day sales in inventory=| 365| | 17. 87| =| 20. 43 Days| Kawan Food Berhad day sales in inventory=| 365| | 9. 36| =| 39 Days| Explanation: Day’s sale inventory is Measure how long inventory/stock was finished out for each time in a year.
Monday, December 2, 2019
To build a fire free essay sample
The Principle of Surviving The term surviving means different things to different people. The definition of surviving means to remain healthy, happy, and unaffected In spite of an occurrence or struggle. In the story To Build a Fire by Jack London, the mall character Is seen as a survivor; or a person who Is unaffected by an endeavor. He has the skirmish with nature In this story, and he loses that battle. He doesnt meet his objective of reaching the cabin In Henderson Creek where he has the conception of meeting the boys and having dinner.In class we have been discussing the subject of survival, and we read some tips on surviving out In the wilderness or Just surviving anywhere. They include: Perceive and Believe, which means look, see. And believe. If some thing goes sour, look for the positives. Staying calm, which means using fear for focus. Use the fear inside to make you strive to complete a goal. We will write a custom essay sample on To build a fire or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Think/ analyze/plan, which means stay organized, and make the big, scary goal into small, manageable tasks that you can complete. Take correct and decisive actions, which means being adventurous yet cautious and wise at the same time.Celebrate you successes, and take joy in completing those tasks that you once thought were unconquerable. Count your blessing, and be grateful you are alive! Play, meaning do math in your head, play mental games, and things like that that will keep your mind sharp and focused. See the Beauty in things; nature is beautiful, and in times where situations can be daunting, look up at the sky, look around at the trees, just bask in the beauty of life itself. Believe that you will Succeed; keep positive thoughts in your adventures and struggles in life.Believing that you will succeed will make succeeding even more glorifying than not believing in yourself and failing to complete your task, because even if you fail, youll still know that you tried your hardest. Surrender, and put away the fears that you have and the pain you feel. When you give Into pain and give Into fear, you automatically lose, because no matter how hard you try, you cant get the weight of the pains ad the fears off of your shoulders; letting go will make you forget about them so they cannot weigh you down anymore. Do whatever Is necessary, and take actions you wouldnt take In other situations.Always keep an pen mind when you are struggling to survive. And never give up. Once you know that the task Is compellable, complete It. Dont focus on the path that you are taking, focus on the destination you are trying to reach. The fact of the matter Is that the mall character In To Build a Fire Isnt a survivor. He does some of these tips noted above, and he did do some things right, but more wrong. Much more wrong than right. He did follow the tips of staying focused, surrendering to pain, and doing whatever is necessary. If he had followed the rest of the rules, his journey would eave been more successful.He should have just kept his head up, stayed calm, and carried on: and we would have been just fine. To build a fire By Cookbooks of surviving means to remain healthy, happy, and unaffected in spite of an occurrence or struggle. In the story To Build a Fire by Jack London, the main character is seen as a survivor; or a person who is unaffected by an endeavor. He has the skirmish with nature in this story, and he loses that battle. He doesnt meet his objective of reaching the cabin in Henderson Creek where he has the conception of object of survival, and we read some tips on surviving out in the wilderness or Just surviving anywhere.They include: Perceive and Believe, which means look, see, and using fear for focus. Use the fear inside to make you strive to complete a goal. Think/ successes, and take Joy in completing those tasks that you once thought were situations can be daunting, look up at the sky, look around at the trees, Just bask in put away the fears that you have and the pain you feel. When you give into pain and give into fear, you automatically lose, because no matter how hard you try, you cant roger about them so they cannot weigh you down anymore.Do whatever is necessary, and take actions you wouldnt take in other situations. Always keep an that the task is compellable, complete it. Dont focus on the path that you are taking, The fact of the matter is that the main character in To Build a Fire isnt a survivor. He does some of these tips whatever is necessary. If he had followed the rest of the rules, his Journey would have been more successful. He should have Just kept his head up, stayed calm, and carried on; and we would have been Just fine. To Build a Fire free essay sample â€Å"To Build a Fire†and its Imagery One of the tools many authors use in writing is imagery. Imagery is a concrete representation of a sense impression, a feeling, or an idea which appeals to one or more of our senses. There are five types of imagery implemented in literature which appeal to each of our five senses: touch, hearing, smell, sight, and taste. They are termed tactile imagery, aural imagery, olfactory imagery, visual imagery, and gustatory imagery. In Jack London’s short story â€Å"To Build a Fire†, he uses imagery to support the point of the story.The point of â€Å"To Build a Fire†is man’s naive notion that he is strong enough to overcome nature’s harshest obstacles. The protagonist, referred to as the â€Å"man†, must survive in the freezing weather of the Yukon. The man believes it is approximately fifty degrees below zero and that he will be able to make the treacherous journey to meet his friends whom are refers to as the â€Å"boys†. We will write a custom essay sample on To Build a Fire or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The severity of the weather is illustrated in the story by the quote, â€Å"As he turned to go on, he spat speculatively. There was a sharp, explosive crackle that startled him. He spat again.And again, in the air, before it could fall to the snow, the spittle crackled. †This quote is an example of aural imagery. It allows the reader to imagine the sound of the man’s spit freezing in mid-air before it even hits the ground. One could imagine the reverberating echo of the man’s spit in the vast wasteland of snow, bringing to the imagination how cold it really is. The narrator brings into the picture using authorial intrusion that the protagonist now realizes that it must be more than fifty below zero since that is the temperature at which spit crackles on the snow and his spit crackled in the air.The man knows that it must be at least seventy degrees below zero. The quote, â€Å"He smiled agreeably to himself as he thought of those biscuits, each cut open and sopped in bacon grease, and each enclosing a generous slice of bacon. †is an example of gustatory imagery. By implementing this statement, London has made it to where the reader can not only picture the biscuits the man has brought for his lunch but, even almost taste the bacon grease soaked biscuits. He must keep his lunch inside of his cloths, close to his skin, to keep it from freezing solid. As the man thinks about is biscuits, imagining what they will taste like, it allows to the reader to understand the arrogance of the man. He has gone into the Yukon in sub-zero weather with nothing more than his cloths that he is wearing, lunch, and a dog. Another undertaking the protagonist must overcome set forth by nature is navigating whilst remaining aware of snow-hidden ice-skins. To Build A Fire free essay sample Identity two flashbacks in the story. For each flashback, identify its purpose. What is the main conflict in the story? Defend with examples from the plot. 1) All good short story introductions serve several purposes. In Jack London’s â€Å"To Build A Fire†, a story about a man who is alone on a journey through to forest in -50 degree weather, the introduction does a great job at briefly introducing the story’s main character, setting, and tone and engaging the reader. It does so by presenting the main character, the man, in the first sentence with â€Å"†¦when the man turned†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , and the same for the setting and tone. Jack London writes about the main characters surroundings, saying that it is â€Å"cold and gray†and that the man is on â€Å"the main Yukon trail†in â€Å"subtle gloom†, setting the tone. Also, he engages the reader by using time as a so-called â€Å"carrot on a stick†. We will write a custom essay sample on To Build A Fire or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He wisely writes â€Å"he knew that a few more days must pass before the cheerful orb, due south, would peep above the sky†so the reader, being human and wanting the good protagonist to succeed, would keep reading to find out if he does so or not. He does all this briefly, in a paragraph of eight sentences, therefor not tempting the reader to stop reading. In conclusion, the introduction in Jack London’s â€Å"To Build A Fire†is very successful in introducing the key elements to a short story. The main character, setting, tone, and engagement of the reader are all presented very well and expertly. In â€Å"To Build A Fire†by Jack London, foreshowing is frequently used. For example, in the second paragraph, London writes, â€Å"North and south, as far as his eye could see, it was unbroken white†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This example shows that the man is no were near civilization, and that he must fend for himself. Another example, making the reader pick up an idea of how the short story might end, is in the third paragraph when the author writes â€Å"†¦the absence of sun from the sky, the tremendous cold, and the strangeness and weirdness of it all – made no impression on the man. It was not because he was long used to it. He was a newcomer in the land, a chechaquo, and this was his first winter. †. This foreshadow tells the reader that there is a conflict, man vs. nature, to follow. A third foreshadow strategically written by Jack further engages the reader; sparking empathy and curiosity within, he writes â€Å"†¦able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . In conclusion, Jack London’s â€Å"To Build A Fire†deliberately uses foreshadowing to engage the reader, a very intelligent way of writing since it motivates he or she to keep reading therefore helping Jack in his struggle to make ends meet, whilst improving the story. In Jack London’s â€Å"To Build A Fire†, the main character, the man, does not have many flashbacks. This is because London wanted the reader to focus more on the present situation of the man, and less on the past. Although, he does write a few. One is when the man has a severe conflict after falling through the ice/snow layers into the frigid water. He thinks back to the old man at Sulphur Creek, having a conversation in which he suggests several things that he should think about before embarking on his journey. The purpose of this flashback is to show how much danger the man is facing, having not listened to the Sulphur Creek elderly, and to spark interest within the reader. The second flashback in â€Å"To Build A Fire†is when the man falls much further into grave danger, he thinks of how the old man was right, that he should have prepared himself better. The purpose of this flashback was to foreshadow that the man will probably perish, and again, to spark interest. 4) The main conflict is Jack London’s â€Å"To Build A Fire†is man vs. himself. Many argue that it is man vs. nature due to the central idea that the -50 degree weather is the main cause of harm and crisis to the man, but it progresses to show that if the man would relinquish his pride and stop thinking that he can accomplish the unimaginable without many of the necessary tools, the preparation, and the help, he would still be alive. If the man would have listened to the old man at Sulphur Creek or brought another person along, he would most likely not be dead. Therefore, it is evident that the conflict that many believe to be the main conflict in London’s short story, man vs. nature, is not so, and is actually man vs. himself. Plot Analysis Introduction: The man starts out with minimal awareness of the extreme cold. He is on a journey with a dog in the Yukon off road to a camp where the boys are waiting for him. He becomes slightly more aware of the cold, realizing that his cheeks are beginning to sting, and stops to build a fire and eat lunch. His fingers go numb, and the man begins to continue walking. There begins to be a subtle gloom while reading, sparking a prediction that he may not make it out alive. Rising Action: As the man is walking, the man falls into sheets of ice/snow, which have water under them. He gets his feet wet, and delays to build another fire and dry off his boots. His fingers get too cold to bend and feel anything, and he tries to build another fire. He does not succeed in building a fire this time, thanks to his poor planning. He tries again, but again, fails. Climax: The man knows he cannot make another fire, and becomes desperate for warmth. He remembers a story in which a freezing man killed a horse, cut it open, and warmed up inside. He tries to do the same with the dog. He is unable to do so, not being able to move his fingers to strangle the dog. In a final act of desperation, he tries to run to the camp so the boys can help him, but eventually has to stop. Falling Action: The man lies down in the snow, slowly and unknowingly freezing to death, which he perceives as falling asleep. As he dies, he sees himself with the boys, walking down from the camp to find his blue body. He then sees himself in a warm room with the old man from Sulphur Creek who gave him advice that he did not take, and admits that the old man was right and he should have taken his advice. The man then dies, in what seems to him to be very warm and comfortable. Resolution: The dog waits, confused at the sight of the man sitting in the snow without a fire. The dog howls and then walks away towards the camp, where it knows will find fire and food.
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